Halder Group empowers users with a no-code app-building platform, enabling the creation of mobile apps for iOS and Android in native versions, as well as web apps through Progressive Web Apps (PWA). While the ability to develop an app without coding knowledge is noteworthy, achieving real success requires effective promotion. The process of making your app stand out and gain traction is a substantial task. In this article, we've compiled essential insights to guide you in promoting your app and ensuring it attains the success it merits!


These insights are equally applicable to resellers who utilize our app builder to craft apps for their clients. While constructing an app for a client is a significant undertaking, the additional challenge lies in the marketing efforts required to promote the app. This is especially relevant for marketing and communications agencies.


1/ SEO for PWA

To enhance the visibility of your project's Progressive Web App (PWA) and attract a larger audience, it is crucial to concentrate on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In simpler terms, aim to optimize and elevate the search engine ranking of your PWA.


  • What does SEO mean?

SEO can be defined as a series of tasks aimed at enhancing the search engine ranking of a website or a Progressive Web App (PWA). Simply put, your PWA is considered to have good SEO when it consistently appears among the top search engine results for specific keywords you aim to rank for. The assessment of a PWA's relevance relies on two key elements: the search engine's index and its algorithms.


Search engines employ indexing robots, also known as bots, to build up their index. These bots systematically crawl the web, collecting information about the sites they visit, including content, links, and activity. The data stored in the index is then utilized by algorithms. When a user makes a query, these algorithms calculate and deliver a list of the most pertinent sites based on the indexed information.


  • Why should you rely on SEO?

Firstly, because it's free, unlike Adwords, for example, which involves buying an audience for your site or PWA.

Secondly, because visitors arriving on your PWA via the organic channel, which is what SEO is all about, are better qualified. If only because they have a clearly identified need, and that need has led them to search the web for a solution. If your PWA appears in the search results, it's because you're able to meet their needs.

Moreover, appearing in the top results of search engines helps to establish your brand's or company's reputation.
To conclude, SEO considerably improves the visibility of your Web App and brings quality visitors to your site. It's definitely the acquisition channel of choice for capturing a qualified Web audience.


  • How to optimize your PWA's SEO?
The PWA version of your project can be optimized on several levels to improve its search engine ranking.

On a technical level, Halder Group provides tools to help you index your content. There are a number of options which, if used wisely, will give you the best chance of being indexed:

The information contained in META tags is added by search engines to their index, but is mainly used to display search results for your PWA. They can be customized at different levels:
  • The default meta tag for your PWA
  • The main pages (sections of your app)
  • Content detail pages from the CMS

You then need to declare your Sitemap to Google . Finally, you can rewrite the URLs of your content pages to make them more relevant to visitors' search engine queries.


In terms of editorial content, freshness is a key criteria for search engine relevance. You need to write regularly and make public (accessible to search engines) as many articles as possible using the keywords on which you want to be well positioned. Remember that robots give priority to the first 100 characters of your articles. 

Remember, you're writing for a visitor, not a robot. Don't make the mistake of writing incomprehensible or unpleasant sentences under the pretext of including keywords for which you want to be well ranked.

Acquiring links
Whenever possible, try to get as many links as possible from other sites. This is a very strong indicator for a search engine, because if sites are pointing to yours, you have relevant content. Prefer links from sites in the same industry as yours.

An alternative and complementary approach to SEO is Search Engine Advertising (SEA), which involves purchasing traffic through the Google Ads advertising platform. This advertising network is designed for companies seeking to expand their digital audience using the Google Ads platform.


In the context of SEA, advertisers select keywords relevant to their offerings, and Google Ads are presented to users based on their search queries. These ads appear above the organic search results, with the only distinction being the inclusion of the word "Ad" before the URL of the page. SEA serves as a valuable short-term strategy for swiftly generating traffic, in contrast to SEO, which is a longer-term strategy for enhancing organic visibility.


2/ ASO for native apps

ASO means App Store Optimization. It's the same principle as SEO in search engines, but applied to Stores. It's a set of tasks you need to carry out to ensure that your app appears in the top search results of a Store user, based on certain keywords.

3/ Referral (getting the word out about you and your app)

Identify the communities that may be interested in your application. Identify the media outlets that disseminate information to these communities, and get in touch with them so that they refer to your app in an article, on the website or on their social networks. This will promote your app and maximize the number of downloads.

4/ Leveraging social networks

Above all, don't forget to use social networks to promote your app. It's an essential channel for informing, advertising and reaching an audience of potential users. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tik Tok. You can try them all. Then you'll need to assess which social networks are bringing you the most downloads, and bet on those. After all, each social network offers a different concept in terms of content dissemination, and the targets are not the same. For example, we know that social networks like Snapchat or Tik Tok are mainly used by a younger audience. This is less the case for Facebook, for example. So it's important to consider who you're targeting with your app.

5/ Widgets, QR codes and buttons

With Halder Group, once your app is published, you can get the direct download link to the native Android or iOS app. This allows you to share this link everywhere: blog, social networks, messages, email, etc. To maximize the number of downloads.

But that's not all: you can also generate widgets or buttons to insert on your website or pages to enable the app to be downloaded. Finally, you can also generate a QR Code to download the application from a mobile phone. The QR Code can be printed on flyers for distribution, or installed in partner stores, businesses or other locations.

6/ Updates

To ensure the long-term success of your app, don't forget to update it regularly. These updates can be of various kinds: of course, you need to publish new content on a regular basis to keep users interested in your app, and to avoid your app ending up at the bottom of the list of apps consulted by your users on their smartphones. Halder Group CMS gives users access to new content in real time.

You can also make changes to your app by modifying certain design aspects, or add new sections to your app. This way, you can continue to promote your app and get new users to download it. Changes to the app's design or structure don't require you to publish an update on the Stores. Simply update the app's settings in the back office, and the new version is ready in seconds, accessible to all your users!

Finally, don't forget to publish an update for your app on the Apple and Google Stores, to apply bug fixes and have an app that's always up to date with the latest versions of the iOS and Android operating systems. This will guarantee users a consistently impeccable experience. Satisfied users will have no trouble spreading the word about your app, or even leaving a positive review on the web or social networks. In this way, you can hope to further increase your user base. We recommend publishing a native app update once every six months.
In conclusion, it's important to remember that promoting an app is a real challenge that needs to be tackled in addition to creating the app on an app builder like Halder Group, to ensure the success of the project. At Halder Group we provide you with a whole range of tools to make your task easier. Don't hesitate to use them to succeed. With Halder Group, success is just around the corner for your app!